Keyun Biocontrol’s Spodoptera litura NPV gets approval in Bangladesh

Chinese biopesticide company Henan Jiyuan Baiyun Industry Co., Ltd., popularly known as Keyun Biocontrol’s Spodoptera litura NPV 20 billionPIB/g WG, with Spodo-NPV as its trademark, got approval in Bangladesh recently. Spodo-NPV (active ingredient: Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus) can be used by conventional and organic growers to control common cutworm, a major pest attacking cash crops, such as tomato, cotton, chilli and broccoli, among others, in Bangladesh.
The active ingredient of Spodo-NPV is a naturally occurring nucleopolyhedrovirus that infects common cutworm larvae. This virus is very host specific. It does not infect beneficial insect, fish, wildlife, livestock or humans, and its use does not harm the environment. Common cutworm larvae feeding on crops sprayed with Spodo-NPV become infected by ingesting the virus particles deposited on the plant. An infected early-instar larva dies within three to four days as the virus replicates quickly within its body, destroying its internal organs. When it dies, its body disintegrates, releasing billions of new virus particles that may then be ingested by other common cutworm larvae of the same or later generations, feeding in the same area. Spodo-NPV has been successfully used in several provinces of China, such as Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Henan, Guangdong, Fujian and Yunan, to control the common cutworm in leafy vegetables, asparagus and cotton.
The common cutworm, Spodoptera litura, is a polyphagous pest that attacks several varieties of plant species, including a wide range of economically important vegetables and ornamental plants in tropical and subtropical regions, causing significant economic losses. “In Bangladesh, due to the indiscriminate use of toxic chemical pesticides, common cutworm, Spodoptera litura has developed high resistance to synthetic chemicals, as well as resulted in high pesticide residues,” said Yingjie Zhou, director, global marketing of Keyun Biocontrol. A biopesticide like Spodo-NPV, however, employs a novel mode of action that’s highly effective in controlling the common cutworm. Our field trials have proven that Spodo-NPV can reach 93.4% efficacy in controlling this insect. Due to its feature of zero residue, the product not only fits the model of organic farming but can also be incorporated into resistance management programs. Spodo-NPV will definitely provide the farmers with a safe and effective biocontrol product to control common cutworm larvae.”